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Accountability for Office of the Fairness Commissioner

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Under the Agencies and Appointments Directive and the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive, provincial agencies are required to post their governance documents. These include business plans, annual reports and expense information for designated individuals.

Individuals at provincial agencies can claim and be reimbursed for necessary travel, meal and hospitality expenses they pay for during the course of ordinary work. They need to follow strict rules, outlining what can be repaid with public funds and what maximum amounts can be claimed. All claims must include original receipts.

Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan 2024-2027

The Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan includes an overview of the agency and its strategic directions for a 3 year or longer period.​
Read the 2024-2027 Business Plan (PDF)

Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan 2023-2026

The Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan includes an overview of the agency and its strategic directions for a 3 year or longer period.
Read the  2023-2026 Business Plan (PDF)

Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan 2022-2025

The Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan includes an overview of the agency and its strategic directions for a 3 year or longer period.
Read the 2022 - 2025 Business Plan

Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan 2021-2024

The Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan includes an overview of the agency and its strategic directions for a 3 year or longer period.
Read the 2021 - 2024 Business Plan

Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan 2018-2021

The Office of the Fairness Commissioner Business Plan includes an overview of the agency and its strategic directions for a 3 year or longer period.
Read the 2018 - 2021 Business Plan​​

Office of the Fairness Commissioner Annual Report 2023-2024

The Office of the Fairness Commissioner annual report describes agency activities and performance analysis for the year.
Read the 2023 - 2024​ ​Annual Report

Office of the Fairness Commissioner Memorandum of Understanding

The Office of the Fairness Commissioner memorandum of understanding is the formal agreement between the agency Fairness Commissioner and the responsible Minister that sets out roles and responsibilities for the agency and ministry.
Read the Memorandum_of_Understanding - April 2023 (PDF)​

Office of the Fairness Commissioner Expense Information

The Office of the Fairness Commiss​ioner expense information details approved travel, meal and hospitality expenses for designated individuals at the agency.
Read the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive

Expense Reports​​​​

WhoWhen / Where / WhyAttendeesExpense BreakdownSub Total / Total
expand Fiscal Year: 2018-2019
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2019-01-02
To: 2019-01-04

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $263.46
Other Stransportation: $54.94
 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2019-01-15
To: 2019-01-15

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Other Stransportation: $66.32
 VIA Rail, 1 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2019-01-18
To: 2019-01-21

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Other Stransportation: $272.17
 VIA Rail, 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2019-02-04
To: 2019-02-08

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Other Stransportation: $225.34
 VIA Rail, 1 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2019-02-18
To: 2019-02-22

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Other Stransportation: $215.97
 2 x taxi, VIA Rail
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2019-03-04
To: 2019-03-15

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $508.38
Other Stransportation: $51.37
 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2019-03-25
To: 2019-03-29

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $285.61
Other Stransportation: $38.96
 1 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-10-01
To: 2018-10-05

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $326.40
Other Stransportation: $70.36
 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-10-15
To: 2018-10-15

Ottawa ON, Toronto ON, Ottawa ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Other Stransportation: $64.17
 VIA Rail, 1 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-10-22
To: 2018-10-22

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $299.58
Other Stransportation: $22.48
 1 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-11-01
To: 2018-11-30

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,799.50
Grant James
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-11-23
To: 2018-12-03

Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $293.61
Other Stransportation: $51.37
 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-12-01
To: 2018-12-31

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,799.50
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-12-17
To: 2018-12-20

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $292.62
Other Stransportation: $51.17
 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-07-03
To: 2018-07-06

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $270.47
Other Stransportation: $61.48
 3 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-07-23
To: 2018-07-25

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $443.77
Other Stransportation: $64.93
 3 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-08-01
To: 2018-08-31

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,849.00
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-09-04
To: 2018-09-28

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $654.94
Other Stransportation: $169.60
 VIA Rail, 3 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-04-01
To: 2018-04-30

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,750.00
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-04-09
To: 2018-04-20

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $514.73
Other Stransportation: $59.32
 3 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-04-27
To: 2018-04-27

Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $336.98
Other Stransportation: $26.91
 1 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-04-30
To: 2018-05-05

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $409.96
Other Stransportation: $78.92
 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-05-06
To: 2018-05-08

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $341.34
Other Stransportation: $47.39
 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-05-21
To: 2018-05-25

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $332.39
Other Stransportation: $41.04
 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-06-01
To: 2018-06-30

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,750.00
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-06-11
To: 2018-06-15

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $355.26
Other Stransportation: $58.05
 3 x taxi
expand Fiscal Year: 2017-2018
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-01-01
To: 2018-01-31

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,750.00
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-01-08
To: 2018-01-12

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $270.11
Other Stransportation: $269.92
 Via Rail, , 3 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-01-21
To: 2018-02-09

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $393.67
Other Stransportation: $102.47
 4 x taxi
Doris Dumais
From: 2018-01-25
To: 2018-01-30

Ottawa, ON

Air Fair: $268.09
Other Stransportation: $38.00
 1 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-02-13
To: 2018-02-16

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $350.27
Other Stransportation: $98.97
 4 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-02-26
To: 2018-03-09

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $456.79
Other Stransportation: $96.57
 4 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-03-12
To: 2018-03-16

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $344.55
Other Stransportation: $76.32
 3 x taxi
Doris Dumais
From: 2018-03-20
To: 2018-03-21

London, ON

Leadership Development Program
Other Stransportation: $120.58
 Via Rail, 2 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2018-03-26
To: 2018-03-29

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $285.61
Other Stransportation: $107.21
 4 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-10-01
To: 2017-10-31

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,750.00
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-10-10
To: 2017-10-13

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $283.91
Other Stransportation: $115.51
 4 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-10-30
To: 2017-11-03

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $364.14
Other Stransportation: $79.04
 3 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-11-06
To: 2017-11-17

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $394.65
Other Stransportation: $99.04
 4 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-11-27
To: 2017-12-08

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $379.22
Other Stransportation: $134.12
 5 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-12-10
To: 2017-12-15

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $244.64
Other Stransportation: $102.63
 5 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-07-05
To: 2017-07-07

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $429.69
Other Stransportation: $121.00
 4 x taxi
Accommodation: $461.68
Meals: $102.50
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-07-18
To: 2017-07-21

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $429.69
Other Stransportation: $141.56
 6 x taxi
Accommodation: $692.52
Meals: $147.50
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-08-01
To: 2017-08-04

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $285.32
Other Stransportation: $119.27
 4 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-08-01
To: 2017-08-31

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,750.00
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-08-15
To: 2017-08-18


Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $681.78
Other Stransportation: $75.71
 3 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-09-01
To: 2017-09-30

Out of Town Accommodation

Out of Town Accommodation
Accommodation: $2,750.00
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-09-11
To: 2017-09-15

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $350.58
Other Stransportation: $114.00
 4 x taxi
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-04-30
To: 2017-05-05

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $533.19
Other Stransportation: $82.00
 3 x taxi
Accommodation: $974.40
Meals: $247.50
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-05-08
To: 2017-05-10

Ottawa, ON

The Conference Board of Canada
Nuzhat JafriOtherExpenses: $495.00
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-05-15
To: 2017-05-19

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $563.59
Other Stransportation: $124.00
 4 x taxi
Accommodation: $788.80
Meals: $202.50
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-05-29
To: 2017-06-02

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $672.64
Other Stransportation: $121.00
 4 x taxi
Accommodation: $923.36
Meals: $202.50
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-06-13
To: 2017-06-16

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $448.39
Other Stransportation: $112.15
 4 x taxi
Accommodation: $578.87
Meals: $147.50
Grant Jameson
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2017-06-20
To: 2017-06-23

Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON

Office of the Fairness Commissioner
Air Fair: $480.87
Other Stransportation: $105.16
 4 x taxi
Accommodation: $692.52
Meals: $147.50
expand Fiscal Year: 2016-2017
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2017-03-02
To: 2017-03-02

145 Wellington St. W., 8th Floor, Toronto, ON

Touchstone Institute Symposium
Angelika Neuenhofen, Allison Brownlee, James MendelOtherExpenses: $250.00
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2016-10-26
To: 2016-10-27


Canadian Race Relations Foundation National Conference
Other Stransportation: $50.65
 1 x taxi
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2016-04-03
To: 2016-04-05

Ottawa, ON

The Conference Board of Canada
Air Fair: $253.40
Other Stransportation: $182.63
 4 taxi
Accommodation: $393.40
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2016-06-03
To: 2016-06-04

Hamilton, ON

Speaking at Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists' AGM
Allison BrownleeOther Stransportation: $177.65
 3 x taxi, 1 GO Train
Accommodation: $163.85
expand Fiscal Year: 2015-2016
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2016-01-19
To: 2016-01-19

Toronto, ON

Accenture Funding Announcement for ACCES Employment
Other Stransportation: $19.45
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2016-01-22
To: 2016-01-22

Toronto, ON

HealthForceOntario Marketing and Recruitment Agency Advisory Committee Meeting
Other Stransportation: $6.60
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2016-03-02
To: 2016-03-02

Toronto, ON

Third International Cities of Migration Conference
Other Stransportation: $21.00
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-10-13
To: 2015-10-13


Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists annual meeting
Allison BrownleeOther Stransportation: $26.55
 2 x taxi
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-11-02
To: 2015-11-04

Vancouver, BC

Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation
Air Fair: $600.97
Other Stransportation: $184.80
 6 x taxi
Accommodation: $243.54
OtherExpenses: $1,344.00
 Conference registration
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-08-13
To: 2015-08-13

Annual Meeting with College of Chiropractors of Ontario
James MendelOther Stransportation: $21.60
 2 x taxi
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-09-16
To: 2015-09-19

Boston, MA

2015 Annual Educational CLEAR Conference
Sharon VaninAir Fair: $368.40
Other Stransportation: $309.11
 Taxi in Toronto and taxis in Boston, MA
Accommodation: $793.95
Meals: $128.18
OtherExpenses: $640.32
 CLEAR Registration Fee
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-04-08
To: 2015-04-08

483 Huron Street, Toronto, ON

Annual meeting with Ontario College of Pharmacists
James MendelOther Stransportation: $27.15
 2 x taxi
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-05-29
To: 2015-05-29

Scarborough, ON

Presentation at the College of Dental Technologists of Ontario
Farheen ImtiazOther Stransportation: $142.73
expand Fiscal Year: 2014-2015
Hon. Jean Augustine
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2015-01-12
To: 2015-01-13

Ottawa, ON

Engineers Canada hosted Rountable of Fairness Commissioners
Other Stransportation: $125.50
 3 x taxi fares
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-01-23
To: 2015-01-23

20 Bay Street from 595 Bay Street, Toronto, ON

Annual Meeting with College of Occupational Therapists (COTO)
Dana DeanOther Stransportation: $11.50
 Taxi Fare
Hon. Jean Augustine
Fairness Commissioner
From: 2015-01-28
To: 2015-01-28

900 Bay Street

Meeting with Minister of Education, Hon. Liz Sandals
Hon. Liz Sandals, Nuzhat JafriOther Stransportation: $7.00
 Taxi Fare
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-02-19
To: 2015-02-20

Ottawa, ON

Pan-Canadian Framework on the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications - Data Workshop Invitation
Air Fair: $409.34
Other Stransportation: $141.12
 3 x taxi fares
Accommodation: $182.73
Meals: $41.06
Nuzhat Jafri
Executive Director
From: 2015-03-25
To: 2015-03-28

Vancouver, BC

7th National Metropolis Conference
Other Stransportation: $144.90
 3 x taxi Fares
Meals: $63.84
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