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Resources for Applicants

​​The Office of the Fairness Commissioner (OFC) does not have a mandate to help internationally trained individuals get their professional licences, and it does not assess credentials.

It works with regulated professions and compulsory trades in Ontario to make sure they have fair registration (licensing/certification) practices.

But you may find the following four websites helpful:

  • Work in Your Profession is a site of the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration with information on getting licensed in a profession or trade in Ontario.
  • Global Experience Ontario is a one-stop referral and information centre. It can help internationally trained and educated individuals find out how to qualify for professional practice in Ontario.
  • HealthForceOntario has an access centre that provides internationally educated health professionals living in Ontario with information, advice and support on eligibility for professional practice in Ontario.
  • Ontario's Immigration Strategy sets a new direction for the selection of and support for immigrants.

Applicants are entitled to…

All applicants are entitled to: By law, all regulatory bodies must:
Informationprovide clear information about registration requirements, processes, timelines and fees
Timely decisions, responses and reasonsmake registration decisions, and provide written reasons for those decisions, within a reasonable time
Internal review or appealoffer an internal review or appeal, including an opportunity for applicants to submit arguments and supporting documents
Information on appeal rightsinform applicants of any rights they have to request a further review or appeal of the registration decision
Fair assessment of qualificationsconduct assessments in a way that is transparent, objective, impartial and fair, and take reasonable measures to ensure that any external assessors follow these principles ensure adequate training of all individuals who assess qualifications or make registration decisions
Access to recordsgrant applicants – upon written request - access to records related to their application, with certain legal limitations

General information about the OFC

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Contacting a regulatory body

If you are trying to contact the regulatory body for a profession, select it from this list. Then click on the regulatory body’s logo to visit the right website.​